Documentation Edit on github

Note: this page used to host Open Source guidelines for Zalando employees. In 2022, the page has been moved to an internal documentation site, discoverable in Zalando developer portal (Sunrise) and other internal channels using the keyword “opensource”.

After moving these guidelines to an internal site, we extended them as follows:

  1. Replaced Google Forms with GitHub Issues to track requests for releasing new Open Source projects and allow-listing end-user licenses and CLAs (Contributor License Agreements).
  2. Extended the list of allowed CLAs with approval dates and notes from the legal team.
  3. Added a list of Formerly Open Source Projects, such as Akka, Redis, Terraform, together with legal considerations for the licenses these projects migrated to and with recommended Open Source alternatives.
  4. Split release guidelines into two separate guides: Guide for maintainers who would like to release a new project and a Guide for leads who are asked for approval of open-sourcing a project.
  5. Moved away from a strict incubation and graduation processes to a more flexible approach. Projects are now open-sourced continuously or archived after a long period of inactivity.

Archived OSS guidelines

To view the archived content, check the source code history on GitHub. The material includes:

This page is Licensed under the MIT license