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Kubernetes Backend Deployments

Kubernetes Race Condition problem

As described in #652, there is a problem that exists in Kubernetes, while terminating Pods. Terminating Pods could be graceful, but the nature of distributed environments will show failures, because not all components in the distributed system changed already their state. When a Pod terminates, the controller-manager has to update the endpoints of the Kubernetes service. Additionally Skipper has to get this endpoints list. Skipper polls the kube-apiserver every -source-poll-timeout=<ms>, which defaults to 3000. Reducing this interval or implementing watch will only reduce the timeframe, but not fix the underlying race condition.

Mitigation strategies can be different and the next section document strategies for application developers to mitigate the problem.

Teardown strategies

An application that is target of an ingress can circumvent HTTP code 504s Gateway Timeouts with these strategies:

  1. use Pod lifecycle hooks
  2. use a SIGTERM handler to switch readinessProbe to unhealthy and exit later, or just wait for SIGKILL terminating the process.

Pod Lifecycle Hooks

Kubernetes Pod Lifecycle Hooks in the Pod spec can have a preStop command which executes for example a binary. The following will execute the binary sleep with argument 20 to wait 20 seconds before terminating the containers within the Pod:

      command: ["sleep","20"]

or use sleep in kubelet without the need of the binary sleep in your container:

      seconds: 20

20 seconds should be enough to fade your Pod out of the endpoints list and Skipper’s routing table.

SIGTERM handling in Containers

An application can implement a SIGTERM handler, that changes the readinessProbe target to unhealthy for the application instance. This will make sure it will be deleted from the endpoints list and from Skipper’s routing table. Similar to Pod Lifecycle Hooks you could sleep 20 seconds and after that terminate your application or you just wait until SIGKILL will cleanup the instance after 60s.

go func() {
    var sigs chan os.Signal
    sigs = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGTERM)
    for {
        select {
            case <-sigs:
               healthCheck = unhealthy