
Make singletons

When an application is instantiated with a Reader instance, it gets created as a tree of components with distinct instances for the same type:

                            |  App  |
              +----------|  HttpServer  |-------+
              |          +--------------+       |
              |                                 |
     +-------------------+              +----------------+
     | GetCustomersRoute |              | GetOrdersRoute |
     +-------------------+              +----------------+
               |                           |            |
  +-----------------+        +-----------------+    +--------------+
  | CustomerService |        | CustomerService |    | PriceService |
  +-----------------+        +-----------------+    +--------------+
       |                            |                   |
  +------------+             +------------+          +------------+
  | HttpClient |             | HttpClient |          | HttpClient |
  +------------+             +------------+          +------------+
       |                             |                  |
  +------------------+       +------------------+   +------------------+
  | HttpClientConfig |       | HttpClientConfig |   | HttpClientConfig |
  +------------------+       +------------------+   +------------------+

The trouble with this setup is that some components might hold onto precious resources, like a thread-pool. In that situation You don’t want them to be duplicated. You can make all the components in your tree become singletons with the singletons method:

import org.zalando.grafter.syntax.rewriter._

val app: Application =

This call to singletons is going to rewrite your application tree into a graph with singletons:

                            |  App  |
              +----------|  HttpServer  |------+
              |          +--------------+      |
              |                                |
     +-------------------+              +----------------+
     | GetCustomersRoute |              | GetOrdersRoute |
     +-------------------+              +----------------+
              |                              |
  +-----------------+             +--------------+
  | CustomerService |             | PriceService |
  +-----------------+             +--------------+
                 |                       |
            +------------+               |
            | HttpClient |---------------+
            | HttpClientConfig |

Make singletons based on values

Modify components

The previous rewrite uses the type of components to make singletons. In reality we might want a finer-grained strategy, based on components values. This means that we might first want to set specific values on specific components.

This can be done with the modifyWith method. For example let’s say HttpClientConfig contains Uri parameter pointing to a service we want to access. We want the CustomerService and the PriceService to get different configurations:

import org.zalando.grafter.syntax.rewriter._

val app: Application =
    modifyWith[Any] {
      case c: CustomerService => c.replace(
      case c: PriceService    => c.replace(

This is the resulting graph:

                            |  App  |
              +----------|  HttpServer  |-------+
              |          +--------------+       |
              |                                 |
     +-------------------+              +----------------+
     | GetCustomersRoute |              | GetOrdersRoute |
     +-------------------+              +----------------+
               |                           |            |
  +-----------------+        +-----------------+    +--------------+
  | CustomerService |        | CustomerService |    | PriceService |
  +-----------------+        +-----------------+    +--------------+
       |                            |                   |
  +------------+             +------------+          +------------+
  | HttpClient |             | HttpClient |          | HttpClient |
  +------------+             +------------+          +------------+
       |                             |                  |
  +------------------+       +------------------+   +------------------+
  | HttpClientConfig |       | HttpClientConfig |   | HttpClientConfig |
  +------------------+       +------------------+   +------------------+
  | uri = "http://c" |       | uri = "http://c" |   | uri = "http://p" |
  +------------------+       +------------------+   +------------------+

Make the singletons

The next step is to make singletons across the whole application except for the components having a specific configuration which we want to preserve! This can be done with the singletonsBy method taking partial functions to make singletons based on values:

import org.zalando.grafter.syntax.rewriter._

lazy val app: Application =
    modifyWith[Any] {
    case c: CustomerService => c.replace(
    case c: PriceService    => c.replace(

lazy val httpClientSingletons: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = {
  case c: HttpClient => c.config
  case c: HttpClientConfig => c
This leads to the final application graph: +-------+ | App | +-------+ | +--------------+ +----------| HttpServer |-------+ | +--------------+ | | | +-------------------+ +----------------+ | GetCustomersRoute | | GetOrdersRoute | +-------------------+ +----------------+ | | | +-----------------+ | +--------------+ | CustomerService |----------------------+ | PriceService | +-----------------+ +--------------+ | | +------------+ +------------+ | HttpClient | | HttpClient | +------------+ +------------+ | | +------------------+ +------------------+ | HttpClientConfig | | HttpClientConfig | +------------------+ +------------------+ | uri = "http://c" | | uri = "http://p" | +------------------+ +------------------+
Total for specification Singletons
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